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Kryptonim: Polska

Kryptonim: Polska

, 97 min 2022
If not for an injury, Staszek would be a Premier League star today. If not for her broken heart, Pola would continue to live in Warsaw. If not for a blind chance, they might never have met - thus things that made the news nationwide would never have happened. But what is done cannot be undone - and that’s how a roller coaster ride begins. He turns out to be a local troublemaker and a member of Roman’s nationalist gang, while she’s an activist representing all that Staszek and his radical buddies are out to fight against. Does their love stand a chance? Does it make sense? It’s hard to say and even harder to predict. In any case, Cupid’s arrow triggers off a chain of funny events involving the media, politicians, foreign visitors, a perky priest, and a number of people from very different walks of life.


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