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The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature

Fındık İşi 2

, , , 91 min 2017
Surly and his friends, who live in a nut shop, spend their days eating, playing, and having fun. However, an accident in the shop leaves Surly and his friends homeless. With nowhere to stay, they are forced to return to the park where their other friends live. For Surly, who was used to the paradise-like nut shop, going back to the park is not ideal. As he tries to adjust to his new life in the wild, he receives some bad news. The park they live in is going to be turned into an amusement park by humans. Surly and his friends embark on a dangerous adventure to save their home.
5.5 IMDB


Yorum yapabilmek için üye olmalısın. Küfür, Hakaret, Spoiler veren yorumlar silinir/banlanır.

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