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Christmas at the Drive-In

Christmas at the Drive-In

, 85 min 2022
Christmas at the Drive-In, Karina is a property lawyer determined to save her town's beloved Drive-In Theater from being shut down during the holidays. In her quest to keep the local institution alive, she finds an unexpected romance with the person who is trying to sell the property. With time running out, Karina must navigate through legal challenges, conflicting emotions, and the spirit of Christmas to bring hope and joy back to her community. Will she be able to save the Drive-In Theater and find love in the process? A heartwarming tale of love, determination, and the magic of the holiday season unfolds in this delightful film.


Yorum yapabilmek için üye olmalısın. Küfür, Hakaret, Spoiler veren yorumlar silinir/banlanır.

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