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Namus Düşmanı

Namus Düşmanı

, 81 min 1986
Veli and Ali, who run a coffee shop, have a close friend named Tarık, who is in love with a woman named Güner. However, Güner's father arranges her marriage to someone else. Therefore, Tarık needs to elope with his girlfriend as soon as possible. However, Tarık gets drunk that night, so Veli and Ali end up being the ones to carry out the elopement. As a result, Veli and Ali’s involvement in the elopement causes them to get into trouble with the mafia. "Namus Düşmanı" is a Turkish film that revolves around love, friendship, and the consequences of getting involved in dangerous situations.
5.3 IMDB


Yorum yapabilmek için üye olmalısın. Küfür, Hakaret, Spoiler veren yorumlar silinir/banlanır.

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